Research Opportunities

Brain Imaging Study on Sound and Emotions (Spring 2023, posted April 3, 2023)

Researchers in the Human Brain Research Lab at University of Iowa are looking for participants for a brain imaging study to understand how the brain processes common sounds that we hear on daily basis. We are seeking adults between the ages of 18-50 that live in and around the Iowa City area.

To participate you must:
• Be between 18 – 50 years old
• Be a native English speaker
• Have no history of cardiovascular, neurological, or cognitive impairment
• Have no diagnosed hearing loss

Participants will be asked to complete few questionnaires (which will take about 20 minutes), and if eligible, a MRI brain scanning session will be arranged. The MRI session requires a single visit lasting 1 hour. You will be paid $10 for completion of the questionnaires, and an additional $20 for MRI scanning.

Contact the research team at 319-335-0312 or for more information.




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