
Researching Misophonia and Developing Treatments Since 2012

The directors of Misophonia Institute individually and collaboratively worked to understand misophonia and develop treatments from 2012 to 2015. In 2015, we founded Misophonia Institute as a non-profit company to support misophonia research, awareness, and treatment.

About us

The Misophonia Institute was established in 2015 to provide accurate information on misophonia, including management and treatment options, and to facilitate collaboration of misophonia professionals and researchers to increase misophonia research and improve/develop effective treatment options. We incorporated in September, 2016 as a non-profit, public benefit corporation in California. We were granted 501c3 status by the IRS in November, 2016 (EIN: 81-3985434)

The Misophonia Institute recognizes that there are many forms of treatment. We support and promote those, so long as they can be demonstrated to be effective (and have a low risk of making misophonia worse). The Misophonia Institute is a virtual institution. It is comprised of many professionals who are interested in misophonia research and treatments. We exist completely on volunteer time of dedicated individuals. Our goals are to 1) Increase awareness of misophonia among individuals and clinicians, 2) Facilitate the collaboration among and training of clinicians on misophonia treatment, and 3) Promote and support misophonia research. .

Most Comprehensive and Accurate Book on Misophonia

Understanding and Overcoming Misophonia, 2nd edition, released on March 16, 2017.  Order you copy now at Amazon (available in paperback). It will soon be available on Kindle, BarnesandNobles.com, kobo.com, ibooks, and distributed by Ingram to bookstores worldwide.

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Support Misophonia Research

We completed a research study with Texas Tech University and the journal article is in peer review.  We completed a second study and it will be published in the American Journal of Psychology titled, "Phenomenology of Misophonia: Initial Physical and Emotional Responses."  This study identified that misophonia includes an immediate physical response to trigger stimuli. One goal of this study was to show the physiological mechanisms that are happening to cause the misophonic response to triggers.    We have other research in progress, and more planned, but we need your help to fund it.

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